New York City skyline - Empire State Building

What You Need to Know:

My name is Alex Rivera and currently I am located in the Bronx. A borough in New York City.

I am currently working as a data analyst, but I enjoy coding and designing websites after business hours.

I have a strong-interest in web development, but I am open to doing more with code. Some of my other interests include:

  • Game development,
  • App development, and
  • Software development.

If you are looking to hire a developer that is excited to learn new concepts and is consistent with their work, please reach out. I am excited to work with a team of other developers and create something inspiring.

Please browse this page to learn more about me. You can contact me here.

What You Want to Know:

I enjoy making websites that revolve around my interests. My favorite part is maping and styling a page with css.

When I am not coding,I love to go on hikes with my girlfriend,the image on the right is from one of our trails.

My passion is to create a game with a team of driven coders, no matter how simple it is.

Sunset View of Seneca Like with Partly Cloudy Skies and Trees on the side borders


Caesar Shift Ring

Decoder Ring

This app was designed by me. The purpose of this app is to encrypt and decrypt user-input using three different ciphers. The Caesar Shift, the Polybius Square and the Substitution Model. This was made using mostly Javascipt functions, statements and methods. Some methods and statements include: if statement, forEach method, a for loop statement, etc... You can test the ciphers in the following link:Decoder Ring. If you are curious on how this one done, you can refer to my method for completion in my github repository. You can find my repository here:Decoder Ring Repository. Feel free to check both out !

Pomodoro Timer - Coming Soon

Podomoro Timer

The Pomodoro technique is a time-management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. This is a pending project that I am currently working on. I plan on using lot of asynchronous code to get this app off the ground. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any advice.

Contact Alex

I'd love to hear from you. If you liked this page, feel free to contact me or follow me:

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